. Nautičke sidro narukvice Break Time u medijima

Posjetite nas u Trogirskoj 8, Split Hrvatska - pet i sub od 10 do 14 sati. Lokacije trgovina

Break Time nautičke sidro narukvice u Medijima

Zahvalni smo za svu pažnju medija koju neprestano primamo. Nama puno znači (kao i malom poduzeću) kad vidimo da se nešto što je započelo iz hobija brzo razvija i raste u osnovi iz minute u minutu, zahvaljujući interesu i ljubavi prijatelja, kupaca iz cijelog svijeta i, naravno, mediji.

Dakle, želimo vam reći HVALA! svima koji nas promoviraju zaista cijenimo podršku i lijepe riječi napisane i izgovorene o nas dvoje, a naš je pothvat krenuo od strasti do svih stvari povezanih s morem. Evo odabira medijskih izvještaja koje smo do sada dobili: /

02.08.2020 - Klik.ba

The legendary Magic Johnson arrived on holiday in Split on a megayacht

02.03.2020 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Fans, Rejoice! Both Split Locations Have Officially Re-Opened

27.01.2020 - Total Croatia News

5 Years a Foreign Entrepreneur in Croatia: The Good, Bad & Ugly

21.01.2020 - Total Croatia News

Hello, 2020: Break Time Kicks Off New Year with Jewelry Franchise

15.11.2019 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Presents Three New Collections in Time for Holiday Season

20.10.2019 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Talks Summer Success, New Offers, and Franchising in 2020

02.09.2019 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Says Goodbye to Summer, Hello to September with Discounts!

02.08.2019 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Introduces New and Exclusive Collection: Hello, Yacht Club!

26.07.2019 - Total Croatia News

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Break Time Jewelry Says No to Plastic with New Collection

25.07.2019 - Kroatien auf Deutsch

Break time - Schmuck für die Adria

25.06.2019 - Total Croatia News

Romanian Entrepreneur Shows Business Cafe International How to Succeed in Croatia

16.06.2019 - Poslovni Dnevnik

Rumunjka Mirela Rus u Splitu sa suprugom drži pet prodavaonica Break Time.

31.05.2019 - Total Croatia News

Hello, Istria! Break Time Rovinj Reopens June 1

01.05.2019 - Chasing the Donkey

Break Time Bracelets: The Ultimate Souvenir For Sea Lovers

31.03.2019 - Total Croatia News

Hello, Spring! Break Time Welcomes New Season by Reopening Dubrovnik and Split Shops

18.03.2019 - Adria Daily Magazin

U centru Zagreba otvorena prodavaonica Break Time® Hrvatska

07.03.2019 - City Time

Break Time u Zagrebu

04.03.2019 - Total Croatia News

Snapshots of Zagreb as a New Business Opens in a Pretty Courtyard

28.02.2019 - Total Zagreb

Hello, Zagreb! Break Time Opens Fifth Shop in Croatian Capital

11.02.2019 - Total Split

Break Time is Back in Business: Zadarska 1 Location Reopens Tomorrow!

05.02.2019 - Jutarnji List

U Hrvatskoj pokrenuli biznis s nautičkim narukvicama: 'Svi su nam govorili da smo ludi!'

19.12.2018 - Total Croatia News

Holiday Shopping Made Easy Thanks to Break Time Handcrafted Jewelry

17.10.2018 - Blue World Institute

Cooperation with Break Time Croatia to "Save Marine Life"

06.10.2018 - Total Split

Break Time Opens Second Location in Split!

Total Croatia Sailing

Break Time: An Adriatic Nautical Jewellery Hit in Split, Dubrovnik and Online

19.09.2018 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Fights to Preserve Marine Life with New Bracelet Engravings

01.08.2018 - Bored Panda

This Guy Completely Changed His Life Around: From Electronics Engineer In Romania To Jewellery Designer In Croatia

01.08.2018 - Total Croatia News

Croatian brand Break Time announces big 24h flash sale event on August 1st

01.08.2018 - Flight Network

72 Hours of Adventure and Tours in Split

18.07.2018 - Total Croatia News

Donate blood tomorrow, get a free Break Time key-ring

02.06.2018 - Total Croatia News

Welcome to Rovinj: Break Time opens fourth shop in Croatia!

16.05.2018 - Total Croatia News

Handcrafted in Croatia: Break Time Porec offering free custom engraving this weekend

27.03.2018 - Total Croatia News

Break Time Expands into Istria with New Shop in Porec

04.01.2018 - Total Split

Croatian Bracelets Make UK Debut: Catch Break Time Nautical at London Boat Show this month!

04.01.2018 - The Dubrovnik Times

UK debut for Break Time Croatia nautical bracelets at London Boat Show

17.11.2017 - Total Croatia News

Meet Croatia's Foreign Entrepreneurs: Mirela from Romania

24.10.2017 - Total Croatia Sailing

Biograd Boat Show: Vlog Review by 45 Degrees Sailing

02.10.2017 - Total Croatia News

A morning at Rijeka Nautic Show (photos)

11.08.2017 - Total Croatia Sailing

Sailing in Croatia: The Adriatic Alphabet - B is for...

04.07.2017 - Total Split

Customer in Break Time Nautical gets surprise of a lifetime

31.03.2017 - Total Eco Croatia

5 ways to be a better tourist in Croatia

07.03.2017 - The Dubrovnik Times

Jamie Foxx, taking home Break Time souvenirs from Croatia

06.03.2017 - Jutarnji

JAMIEJA FOXXA ODUŠEVILI HRVATSKI SUVENIRI Oskarovac će iz Dubrovnika kući ponijeti unikatne narukvice s motivima Trogira i Splita

06.03.2017 - Total Croatia News

Jamie Foxx, taking home Break Time souvenirs from Croatia

28.02.2017 - The Dubrovnik Times

Interview: MIRELA RUS – Taking a break in Croatia proved to be the winning combination

10.02.2017 - The Dubrovnik Times

Croatian brand Break Time® opens new store in Dubrovnik

10.02.2017 - Just Dubrovnik

Croatian brand Break Time opens new store in Dubrovnik

January 2017 - Men's Health (printed edition)

Men's Health Croatia - gift suggestion - Break Time nautical anchor bracelet

01.12.2016 - Moda.hr

Zimi ne zaboravite na ljeto

06.09.2016 - Rebateszone.com

Best Gift Ideas under $100

04.05.2016 - Montre-de-luxe.com

Break Time: des bracelets très marins

11.02.2016 - Whatta Fashion

Break Time Nautical kolekcija nakita napokon stiže u Zagreb

11.02.2016 - She.hr

Break Time Nautical kolekcija napokon stiže u Zagreb

11.02.2016 - The Best Shop

Break Time Nautical kolekcija nakita napokon stiže u Zagreb

10.02.2016 - Online Zagreb.hr

Break Time Nautical kolekcija napokon stiže u Zagreb

10.02.2016 - Moda.hr

Nautical nakit koji ćete nositi na gradskom asfaltu

20.01.2016 - Slobodna Dalmacija Daily

Splitski Rumunji Mirela i Ionut: Svi su ludi za našim nautičkim narukvicama

13.01.2016 - HRT (Hrvatska Radiotelevizija)

Zaljubili su se u Hrvatsku i rumunjsku adresu zamijenili splitskom

08.12.2015 - Jadran TV Split

Break Time Store Opening in Split

03.12.2015 - Dalmatinski Portal

Break Time Nautical napokon u Splitu

03.12.2015 - Total Croatia News

Making a Fresh Start in Croatia with a Booming Line of Nautical Jewelry

16.05.2015 - Chasing the Donkey Croatia

Days of Croatian Boat Building: DHMB