. About smiles and happy Break Time nautical bracelets's fans

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About smiles and happy Break Time nautical bracelets's fans

About smiles and happy Break Time nautical bracelets's fans

We are sometimes asked what age group are we targeting our handmade nautical bracelets towards. And - in a world that segments people on age, sex and many other variables - we found ourselves (the Break Time nautical bracelets) being loved without discrimination by grandchildren and grandparents alike. Maybe because we all love the sea, no matter the age or the sex or the language we speak, and our little handmade jewellery pieces are a beautiful reminder about the freedom and happiness the amazing "more" (sea in Croatian language) brings to us.

Each and every encounter is special, but they all have one thing in common: our customers leave the shop with a smile. Here here are a few of our visitors from the last few days, in Split (Trogirska 8) and Dubrovnik (Antuninska 5).

This lovely German family will return to Berlin with some cool handmade bracelets from our Istria and Split collections, as well as (you probably already noticed it) a necklace from our Vis collection :)

German family enjoying their new Croatian souvenirs from Split: Break Time nautical bracelets

This lovely lady was one of my personal favourite customers. Just look at the photo and you will certainly understand why:

Lovely lady wearing a Trogir by Break Time nautical bracelet

This fun group of Italians definitely did not return to Napoli empty-handed :)

Best souvenirs from Split Dubrovnik Croatia

How about this beautiful family? Their smiles say it all!

Family friendly handmade nautical best souvenirs gift from Split Croatia

And the smiles are happening in both our shops, the photo below with these beautiful young German ladies is from the newly opened Break Time store in Dubrovnik Old Town:

Best souvenir shop in Dubrovnik Croatia - What to buy in Dubrovnik - Shopping in Dubrovnik

Wanna know the secret weapon we use to bring smiles on people's faces? Because it is not only about the fun, unique, beautiful looking bracelets that my partner, Ionut, is making with a lot of TLC. It is equally about the amazing teams we have in our shops: Biljana & Katarina in Dubrovnik, Petra & Dino in Split. They are the ones doing their best to find the perfect bracelet for each of our customers and they are ultimately responsible for the smiles :)

Here is Dino showing one of our young customers how to adjust his new Break Time anchor bracelet look amazing on his wrist: